Cindy Crawford - the carer by Gilles Bensimon
The Nurturer is an Inner Sponsor and they illuminate caring and compassion.
The Nurturer’s desire to be of service often inspires them to be selflessly generous. If someone has a need, they are there to help out, even at the expense of their own time, energy or financial stability. For this reason, the Nurturer can often create enabling relationships and struggle trying to create boundaries. When it comes to themselves Nurturer’s are often careful, even frugal with money and are often great at saving money. This, along with their generous nature, can cause them to default into turning themselves into a bank if someone important to them has a need.
It’s not uncommon for Nurturers to create debt because of giving money to others. Or to give their time and attention to the needs of others to such an extent that the compassionate Nurturer has nothing left to give to his or her own life, career or business. While the Nurturer may outwardly always appear kind and supportive, inwardly they can harbor anger and resentment because of being taken advantage of or because of not feeling respect from others, and ultimately, missing out on creating their own self‐respect.
The Nurturer’s challenge is to discover how to create boundaries, and to believe that by creating boundaries they are empowering others in ways that are priceless.