Financially Fit for 2023

Let's talk new year's resolutions. Now is as good a time as any to build new habits to bring in the money and let go of money blocks for 2023 and beyond.

But new year's resolutions (no matter how much you want them) are generally short lived. This is because change can be difficult especially with a topic as emotionally loaded as 'money'.

Let me give you an example...  

Say your new year's resolution is to get physically fit. 

When you decide to get fit, you go to the gym. Even better, you schedule gym time into your day to make sure you get there. 

Usually after a day or two, you start feeling sore.

This is because your muscles are tearing and reforming in a stronger form. They're building shape and if you keep the training consistent, you can't help but get the outcome you desire. It’s a fact.

Although, by day three your inner voice starts trying to talk you out of training...

"This is too hard. This is not for me. I'm too tired. My body doesn't want to do this."

At this point you may believe your body is saying "no".

But is it?  

Medically speaking, uncomfortableness is necessary for your muscles to grow and change. They need to tear in order to change. 

Change in this respect is good!

Change is what you signed up for.

You decided to get fit. You decided to experience a new level of fitness. Do you think you are ever going to get that outcome if you say no to the plan?

No way!

If you stick to the plan and get to the gym 5 days a week for three months, you WILL get fit. It can be no other way. 

If you detour from the plan and fall into the drama of "I'm too sore" or some other from of procrastination or doubt, you won't.

The decision is yours. 

This can philosophy can also be applied to business and making money. 

If you want a different financial reality, you need to do something different!

It will be uncomfortable for a time because it will require you to do something you initially find unfamiliar.

If you are in business, it will require you to sell - something many of us women feel blocked around. You’ll need to clear this block in order to move to the next level (yes, I can help you with that).

If you are in employment, it will require you to negotiate a higher salary or bonus - most women struggle with this as it feels super uncomfortable. Read this blog post if you’re looking for guidance.

Yes, it's all possible - just like it’s possible for you to get physically fit!

Be aware that any change you desire, will initially require a period of uncomfortableness. Notice when this uncomfortableness appears and welcome it - it means you're on the path to change! 

Change is good. Make it your mantra for 2023. Write it everywhere! 

If you're ready to get financially fit for 2023, make the decision to commit. Even better, just like signing up for a personal trainer, sign up for one of my money courses or private sessions, (Gift cards are available if you have someone in mind you want to treat) to streamline your change.

Plough through the change with inspiration and confidence. Unleash your financial potential, clear your blocks and put a plan in place to reach your financial goals in the fastest and most aligned way possible.  

In my programs, I help you find your financial confidence to earn more and learn how to invest. My work is successful because I address money from all angles - energy, mindset and finance. I’ve also been where you are now and I understand what it takes to bust through your limiting beliefs. I got through my blocks and I can help you get through yours too.

Make 2023 your year to become financially fit. Start and the pressure is dropped.

Decide to make the changes required so that you can experience financial freedom. 

I right here with you. How much longer can you afford to put this off? 

This is easy. You can do this.