My Recession Proof Budget Tip

We’ve endured fires, floods, and COVID 19. Now the world’s being hit with massive inflation rates. It’s all quite apocalyptic! As a result, many of us have started taking a serious look at our finances.

The first response is usually to cut back and save. We turn inwards and bunker down for the economic storm to come. We run.

If you’ve following me for a while, you’ll know that running is never the answer. Running takes you out of your power. It makes you feel small and powerless.

Instead my theory is to focus that which expands your power rather than contracts it. In terms of money, this means focusing on bringing in more income or creating alternative income streams.

You see, what you focus on grows. This is not woo woo, its scientifically proven. Our thoughts influence our emotions. Our emotions influence our actions. Our actions create our reality. So my question to you is ‘what are you focusing on?’ If you’re focusing on cut backs, that’s what you’ll get more of - the need to cut back. Money will become tighter and tighter. It’s a downward spiral.

Alternatively, try focusing on how you can bring in more money. Focus on expanding your reach and your power. Change brings opportunity. It’s a chance to do things differently because lets face it, doing things the same way you’ve always done them is only over going to get you the same results. If you want a different result, you need to take different action!

Just like there’s always another pen, there’s always another way to make money. You simply need to allow yourself to believe that it’s possible for you. Identify your fears or doubts about your ability to make more money and confront them. Nine times out of ten, they’re not even true! WE are the ones who limit ourselves and no-one else.


  1. Set a timer for 10 minutes and write out as many ideas as possible on how to bring in more income. Trust me, just keep writing no matter how obscure your ideas get. The last few ideas are always where the gold is!

  2. Pick out your best ideas and Take Action! You can manifest all you want, but the universe still needs you to take the first step.

FACT: Success happens OUTSIDE of your comfort zone.

Sometimes, it’s the simplest and most obvious actions that make the biggest difference. It’s those things you’ve been putting off because they make you feel uncomfortable. Like asking your boss for a raise or writing to your mailing list.

For example, if you’re in business, you can:

  1. Send out a sales email (remind people you have an offer that can help them!)

  2. Follow up with past customers (the gold is in the follow-up - they already love you!).

  3. Hold a free webinar or masterclass (get in front of potential clients!)

  4. Build a new digital product or service (get inspired).

  5. Collaborate with other businesses to share your skills AND connections (value add!). This is what I did recently with The Flourishing Ladies (pictured).

  6. Raise your prices (step into your value).

  7. Advertise!

For non-business people, you can:

  1. Upgrade your skills or invest in a course to learn something new.

  2. Negotiate a pay rise / raise your rate.

  3. Sell something you own.

  4. Take a second job.

  5. Get a side hustle happening doing what you love and sharing your knowledge.

  6. Buy income-producing assets such as shares (NOT crypto 😅 that’s a whole other blog post).

Remember, in order to reach your financial goals you don’t need to live in deprivation. There are SO many different ways to make money. Setting a goal of making massive amounts of money is nothing to be ashamed about. Making money is empowering and confidence-boosting - something us women need more of. The more money you make, the more good you can do in the world.

Follow your desires. Follow your dreams. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. The important thing is to START!

The world needs more wealthy women and I want you to be one of them.

🧡 Julia

I’m a Chartered Accountant, former financial advisor and a Feng Shui expert. There’s no time like the present to get your finances and your mindset in order. Your future self will thank you! If you want help with this book a free chat with me now.