Overcoming Your Financial Fears

Slim Aarons. Beauty & the Beast, 1959.

We’ve all been there. Sometimes the fear of things not working out for you financially is overwhelming, inescapable and relentless.

The bills stream in and you never seem to have any income left over. You find a way to bring more money in, then almost immediately an unexpected bill comes to eat it up.

How exhausting!

So what can you do about it?

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll be familiar with the quantum mechanics behind fear. The fact that fear manifests fear. It’s a vicious cycle that can lead you down a very, very dark path.

Fear keeps you in a trance-like state where you can’t think clearly and you're decision making ability is paralysed. Studies confirm that when you’re in fear, your IQ drops by almost 50%.

The longer the fear is allowed to continue, the more difficult it is to turn it around. So it’s super important that you recognise fear the moment it comes in and do something about it.

Your secret weapon is awareness.

You are not your fear. Fear is a transient feeling that will pass. Recognise it for what it is. It’s a reaction to negative thoughts. So do whatever you can to change those thoughts, even if it feels pointless at the time.

Your thoughts are your ordering system. Whatever you keep thinking about becomes a belief for you. Whatever you believe in manifests as true.

Acknowledge your fear, then ask yourself:

“What would the wealthy version of me do next?”

She would snap out of it, change her state and make her move! She wouldn’t stay stuck.

Here’s my go to list of moves. I keep this list in my iPhone Notes because like I said, fear lowers your IQ so you can’t think straight (I’d never remember them otherwise):

  • Music - I have a playlist on hand titled ‘Abundance Vibes’ with high vibe songs you can’t help but dance to. Music is medicine!

  • Move - Dance, move your body, shake off that negative energy.

  • Breathe - Close your eyes, focus on slowing your breath and getting present. Feel the ground. Smell the air. Observe the sounds around you.

  • Air - Go for a walk in nature.

  • Hydrate - My favourite adrenal cocktail is a glass of pure coconut water with 1/4 teaspoon of Celtic salt and the juice of 1/2 a lemon (thank you to my naturopath Nicole Frost for that one).

  • Gratitude - Call a friend. Refrain from using this time to complain. Ask your positive friend to remind you of all the good things in your life and future opportunities.

  • Forgiveness - Forgive yourself and others for past money mistakes. Resentment doesn’t fix anything, it only keeps you in a low vibration.

  • Journaling - Write out a page two of empowering money mantras. I like to include mantras like: Money loves me; Things are always working out for me; I am loved.; I choose to see things differently; All is well; It’s easy for me to make money; and so on.

  • My favourite - “What would I do if I wasn’t afraid? What if I couldn’t fail?”

What do you think? Are you willing to try it?

Make your list today ready for the next time fear comes in. Try it and you will see!