Careful, Your Money is Listening

Gone Girl, 2014

Careful, your money is listening to everything you say and think.

Have you been thinking bad thoughts about your financial situation?  

Are you doubting your ability to level up your income this year?

Do you catch yourself saying things your mother used to say like:

  • Money doesn't grow on trees

  • Money's hard to come by

  • I want never gets

  • Don't be greedy 

  • She's filthy rich! 

All of these thoughts and words are a reflection of your underlying beliefs about money. And they're negative! 

Left unattended, they become money blocks. And you don't want that. 

Money blocks are thoughts, beliefs and emotions that:

  • Limit your ability to spot opportunities to make more money;

  • Create resistance around your ability to respond to financial situations; and  

  • Make earning more money feel stressful. 

Unless you take an active look at your thoughts and beliefs about money to identify these negative beliefs, you won't even know you have them. Instead, you'll just be left wondering why you never seem to cut a break financially. You'll blame other people and make excuses.

But this is not productive. YOU are the co-creator or your reality, and just like alcoholics anonymous, honesty is the first step to recovery.

Only once you acknowledge the role you're playing in your own negative money beliefs can you do something about it!

My advice to you is to set an intention to think and speak more positively about your financial situation and money in general. Speak kindly about money. Be happy for those who have it. Have gratitude for your own financial position right now. There's always something to be thankful for. After all, like attracts like and if you're constantly feeling lack, that's exactly what you'll get more of. If you're looking for financial abundance, start feeling abundant from where you are.

We all have to start somewhere. Ready when you are.