A Letter to My Younger Self

Kate Moss Ist Cover 1990 by Corinne Day

Dear Younger Self,

Right now you are in the prime of your life. You have the world at your feet and can be anything you desire… as long as you believe it’s possible.

From this point onwards, the only thing that can hold you back is you.

Be bold. Be present. Be true.

I’ve put together for you a list of things I wish I knew earlier. Things about money and life that every young woman should know.


  1. Visualise the future you desire often and trust that whatever desires come to you via your heart are meant for you. As long as you believe, it’s not possible for you to fail, although you will have set backs along the way to keep you awake and on track. Notice them and read the signs so that you can pivot when you need to. Fail forwards and fail fast!

  2. Trust your gut. Your gut brain is divine intelligence and is able to guide you to places you have never been before. Your head brain can only ever make decisions based on past experiences, its wisdom is therefore limited. Your head brain will always keep you steady but it won’t help you grow because it doesn’t have any data on this. So anytime you have to make a big decision you haven’t made before, go with your gut, even if it doesn’t make sense to your head.

  3. You are beautiful inside and out. Stop doubting yourself. You are allowed to be, do and have the life you desire. Just take the first step, then the next will appear. You don’t have to know all of the steps, just the first one. And you need to take it, not just talk about it.

  4. You cannot change other people, you can only either accept them or move on. Trying to change others is exhausting and pointless. You are not responsible for other people’s happiness, and no one else is responsible for your happiness except you.

  5. Play the game of life to win (instead of playing not to lose). You are here to grow not to stay small. Just as ships are meant to be sailed and not kept in the harbour, you are meant to be seen and shine brightly. Just make sure you love what you do.


  1. Money is an unlimited resource and there’s no limit to how much you are allowed to have. You having more does not mean someone else will have less. It’s everywhere and it’s available to you now. All you have to do is find a way to add value. This may mean working for someone else, or even better, making money from your ideas or creativity. There doesn’t have to be a time for money trade off, the trade off can be via ideas or knowledge or investment. Making money while you sleep is the goal.

  2. Money is not evil. It has no feelings of its own. Money is simply a transaction facilitator. A currency. It can’t change you, it simply amplifies who you already are. Money doesn’t have the power to punish you, only you can do that by the stories you tell yourself about what’s possible for you. Your financial position is simply reflecting back to you your subconscious beliefs about the level of wealth you feel safe with. So if you don’t like where you are, examine your beliefs.

  3. Start building wealth immediately. When it comes to building wealth, no one is going to do it for you. There is no Fairy Godmother or Prince Charming, you are the heroine of this story so step up! Spend less than you earn and pay yourself first. It will require decision making and action. You will make mistakes along the way, accept them and learn from them. The sooner you start the better!

  4. Money loves to work. It will grow stale and slip through your fingers while you have it sitting around doing nothing. If you have spare money, put it to work by investing in yourself, your retirement fund, or another asset type that generates passive income immediately. Let the magic of compounding exponentially grow your wealth. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it accumulates.

  5. Be decisive. Procrastination and over analysis keeps you stuck. Poverty loves procrastination.

  6. Doing nothing with your money is not as safe as you think. Yes, this includes keeping it in a bank account. This is due to the time value of money. For example, ten years ago, $1 bought way more than it does today. Inflation always outpaces interest rates and this erodes cash accounts over time.

  7. Money loves speed. When you receive a money making idea - act on it! Just thinking about an idea doesn’t count. You have to bring those ideas from the metaphysical into the physical plane. Action is required! So, write it down and take the first step. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the new information and synchronicities that come your way.

  8. Money loves attention. Ever heard the phrase ‘what you focus on grows’? Pay your money some attention, especially the income part. This trains your brain to always be looking for more ways to earn.

  9. Be responsive. Ignoring your financial position only makes things worse and never makes it better. Take a look at your finances today. They’re only numbers, they can’t hurt you. Knowledge is power.

  10. Your financial position is 100% your responsibility, even if you’re in a marriage. Just like you can’t leave all of the love up to one parter, you can’t leave all of the financial decisions up to one partner either. No one will ever look after your money as well as you. Surround yourself with experts but never hand over your power and follow your gut.

  11. Spend consciously. Be respectful with money and spend sensibly. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

You’ve got this lovely. Know where you want to go, start before you’re ready, take the first step. Everything is working out for you now.


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Legal Note: Information provided by Love Luck Wealth is general in nature and does not take into consideration your personal financial situation. It is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice nor financial product advice in any way. Remember, the value of any investment can go down as well as up. Before acting, you should consider seeking independent personal financial advice that is tailored to your needs from an appropriately licensed or authorised financial adviser.