The Gap vs The Gain

Image: Helmut Newton for British Vogue 1965

One of the most common blocks we experience around moving to the next income level in business is assuming making money has to be hard.

Newsflash. It doesn’t.

It’s totally possible for success to come easily to you. The one caveat is that you need to ALLOW it to be easy.

Allowing means you say YES to opportunities as they come. Like the opportunity to delegate so that you can focus on your zone of genius. And the opportunity to be more visible by investing in marketing or, just in making offers!

The thing is, opportunities increase as they are taken. It’s not rocket science: saying no keeps you stuck. No new information is available to you when you say no to change or opportunities.

Instead, choose to say YES to opportunities because it’s the taking of opportunities that creates wealth!

‘That’s ridiculous’ you say. ‘Why would I not want to take up new income opportunities when I see them?’

Well, are you even seeing them? Probably not because otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this - you’d be busy upgrading from taking your opportunities up!

The better question is ‘why are you not seeing the abundance of financial opportunities before you?’

Because they’re always there.

It’s most likely because you’re assuming they won’t work before you’ve even tried them. You’re focusing on what these new opportunities will cost in time and money (the gap) rather than how much value taking up these opportunities can add to your business or wealth creation (the unlimited gain potential). There may be also be some fear in the mix that you haven’t addressed yet.

So why are you still focusing on the gap?

It’s a lack mindset thing and you need to overcome it!

It’s easy to fall into a lack mindset. Lack is our default, our protection mechanism. But if you want to move to that next level of income, you’ll need to separate yourself from the rest of the pack. You’ll need to focus on the BIG picture and try something you haven’t tried before!

Still not letting opportunities in? Still telling yourself that your situation is different? That it’s too hard and it will never work?

We’re in money block territory here.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.“ Marianne Williamson

If you’re feeling stuck at an income plateau in your business, ask yourself what’s the worst that would happen if you 10X’d your income? This will uncover your deepest fear. Only once your fear is uncovered and faced can you begin to overcome it.

What’s coming up for you? Write it down. Look at it. Feel it. Then ask yourself ‘is it true?’

Our fears are never true. They are simply a negative expectation. Expect the best and your whole perspective changes! And so does your wealth.

Share this with someone you love because everyone can do with a reminder to stop the worry and start the excitement about making money and building wealth.

There is ALWAYS a way through to the next income level. The way through can be easy and fast. It’s only your habit of believing it’s hard to make money that blocks you from seeing it. Choose to see the gain rather than the gap this week. 💫

Let me know how you go!

Julia ScottComment