Exiting Toxic Relationships with Money

Image: Rossellini and Lynch by Helmut Newton

I came across an old diary of mine today. It was from early 2021 (when I first started the Love Luck Wealth business). Life was close to but not quite where I wanted it to be yet.

After eight years of struggle (during most of which I was unaware of the power of an abundance mindset), I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was in the process of aligning with my vision.

I had learned to immerse myself in the power of mindset and energy work to manifest the life I desired.

I was super clear on exactly what that life was and I totally believed it was possible for me.

I did what needed to be done without fear and with massive self-belief.

I now had more money than I had ever dreamed was possible considering the hell I had been through of divorce and restarting my career. The abundance had come through in avalanches just as my mantras demanded. Synchronicity after synchronicity presented itself to me becuse I was a match for the frequency of abundance.

"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics". Albert Einstein

The final testing point was a cancer diagnosis. For the past two years I had been in and out of surgery. I was now super focused on health. I trusted in my intuition by saying yes to the biggest surgery of my life that was about to happen in a matter of days.

There was no turning back after this surgery. It was a total surrender to the Universe’s plan for me.

I’m happy to say that everything went a-mazingly well. I’m thankful for the experience because it showed me that energy and mindset could be applied to health and love as well as money!

Here’s an excerpt from my journaling at this time…

My Old (Toxic) Money Story

I’d like money to commit to me. It’s always there but I never know if it’s going to stay. Money is all around me but it takes huge effort to attract it. People always want to take it from you, so I spend it on the best before they take it! I was never taught how to invest money, only how to spend it and pay others. I can have whatever I want but it will cost you friends and happiness.

My New (Abudnant) Money Story

It’s easy for me to make money. I constantly act on my ideas and follow Divine inspiration. Clients are everywhere and everyone wants to help. I’m free to live the life of my dreams. Money and I are in a committed respectful relationship. We care for each other. I see prosperity in everyone I meet and everyone I meet sees prosperity in me. I am loved. I am enough. I am safe. I am open to new opportunities because I know opportunities increase as they are taken. I say YES to opportunities because opportunities create wealth. I take inspired action doing what I love and I am rewarded.

My business adds value to people’s lives. People trust me and know I am disciplined to deliver. My income is constantly increasing.

I help my clients get to know like and trust me. I open their channels to receive their $.. I deliver fun, life changing service to them.

I wrote these lines out every day.

They worked.

Everything is aligned.

It always was.

It was just me in the way.

It can all work out for you too.

What’s your old money story? Write it out in 3rd person (“she” as opposed to “I”) and take a look at how toxic it is!

Believing in your old money story holds you back.

It’s just a belief. It’s not real.

It’s time to let it go! You can’t learn to drive in a parked car. Eventually, you have to let go of the brakes.

Remember to replace your old money story with your new one - how you desire it to be without limits and assuming anything is possible.

All you have to do is start. This course will activate you.

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