Why You Delay Investing - And How to Fix It

Don’t see yourself as the She-Wolf of Wall Street?

You’re not alone.

When it comes to wealth creation many women see themselves as savers rather than investors, this is because we’re wired to prioritise protection over risk.

In the long run though, by playing it safe, you risk the worst risk of all - not meeting your long-term financial goals.

The truth is, investing trumps saving any day of the week and twice on Sundays! You’ll never save your way to wealth.


What’s stopping you?

The number one reason women delay investing is fear of making a mistake.

You see, for generations, men were raised to be brave and women were raised to be as close to perfect as possible.

We couldn’t afford to make mistakes.

For example, only sixty years ago, if a woman unexpectedly found herself pregnant without a husband or financial support, her life was ruined.

After thousands of years of this heightened self-protection mode, fear of making mistakes has been built into our feminine DNA.

That survival instinct still lingers, making us more risk-averse than males when it comes to money.

The good news is, once we do invest, this perfectionism helps us deliver better results because we're great at sticking to plans!

There’s lots you can do to improve your finances and dramatically increase chances of meeting your long-term financial goals no matter where you’re starting from.

Look out for my messages over the coming days on:

-> The hidden risks of saving alone

-> Why we ladies cannot afford to get money wrong

-> What good investing really looks like; and

-> How to get started!

Remember, we cannot change the past and the future hasn’t happened yet.

All we have is the present - the now.

What you are thinking, feeling and doing today is creating your future. So stop worrying and instead think big, set goals and take action! Perfect doesn’t exist and seeking it will always keep you stuck.

If you're ready to overcome your financial blocks, make more money and begin your investment journey start here

Until next time, 


Disclaimer: Information provided by Love Luck Wealth is general in nature and does not take into consideration your personal financial situation. It is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice nor financial product advice in any way. Remember, the value of any investment can go down as well as up. Before acting, you should consider seeking independent personal financial advice that is tailored to your needs from an appropriately licensed or authorised financial adviser.

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