Generating Money
When it comes to money generating abilities, most of us have absorbed ideas that not only are inaccurate, but also undermine our ability to enjoy success in attracting, managing and growing money.
Everything we know is simply a collection of thoughts and information that has been absorbed from the people around us and those people are not always good at money themselves!
Thankfully, there are plenty of financial education resources available to plug the knowledge gaps, yet why are so any people still struggling at making money and building wealth?
The fact is, when it comes to generating money, 80% of the time it’s a “thinking” problem, not a knowledge problem. It's emotional and it's really hard to spot without someone able to point it out to you.
What can you do about it?
Start with awareness.
What do you believe to be true about why the money is not coming in, and where did these beliefs come from? Are these beliefs true? Are they absolutely always true in every case? How are these beliefs working out for you? Are they serving you? Could it be time to let them go?
Complete the following sentence:
Money is ……
Rich people are ……
Have you noticed some automatic responses that are negative?
How do you expect to create the habits you need to generate more money and move to the next income level when there are stories going through your head about too much money being a bad thing?
You cannot harbour resentment towards rich people while simultaneously being a frequency match for making money. They are opposites and they cannot co-exist. You'll need to sort that out resentment out before money can flow into your life.
Next, upgrade your software (a.k.a. your money mindset).
Create new more positive beliefs about money and your ability to generate it!
My latest program Money Shift in 21 Days is a great starting place and an excellent investment in your new money story. Once you have your mind in place anything is possible, especially when it comes to generating money.