
I teach my clients to trust in their ability to meet their financial goal. That’s easier said than done for most people. Trust can be hard, especially when there’s so much that can go wrong. Past negative experiences reinforce this - it can be difficult to override.

In times of doubt, it’s important to remember that in order to create new financial outcomes you will be required to let go of old ways, expectations and beliefs. What got you here, won’t get you there. You will be required to get out of your comfort zone. Your brain won’t like this because it’s programmed to make decisions based on past experiences and new experiences don’t compute because there’s simply no data to go off. A confused mind always says ‘no’. This is science.


If you want to change your financial reality you’ll need to get ‘un-confused’ about what’s possible for your future and train your brain to look forward to an imagined future of your own design.

The future is where the magic happens! It’s where new realities are formed. You cannot create a new financial reality until you decide today on what you want, make your move, and accept the unknown by trusting that everything will work out.

Because it can.

Yes, it’s totally possible for everything to go right for you when it comes to money. You have the power to make this so, and it all starts with TRUST. Trust in your ability to meet your financial goals, get super clear on what they are and who you need to be to make them happen, then COMMIT!

What’s the alternative?

Choosing to stay where you are and not do the thing you know will move you to the next level?

When you doubt, you freeze. You stay exactly where you are. You get more of the same. You intentionally close the door to possibilities.

Why would you do that?

You only get one life. Why are you here? To play it safe and be able to predict every outcome? That doesn’t sound very realistic (or enjoyable) to me.

When was the last time you were surprised with a beautiful outcome you didn’t expect? They happen. Remember meeting the love of your life? Did you see that coming? For the mothers out there, no-one could have prepared you for the love you experienced when you first held your child, right?

Magic has happened before and it can happen again. It can also happen with your finances. But first you have to make your move and trust.

How do I learn to trust?

Miracles happen every day. Start noticing them in all areas of life. Start expecting them. Start recording them. What you focus on grows. Say thank you, more please!

The buck stops with you. “If you don’t trust you, it doesn’t matter what anyone else says or does, you will not be able to move…When you don’t trust yourself, nothing will sound or feel or look right, because you will be waiting for a guarantee that will never show up. And even if it were to show up, chances are you wouldn’t trust it anyway.” Iyanla Vanzant

Putting trust into action

Let’s say you have a divorce settlement. You haven’t done much with it because it reminds you of a toxic time in your life + you’re afraid of making a mistake!

So, you leave it there.

Sitting in a bank account, going backwards in value because the cost of living is rising faster than the interest you’re earning.

Three years have gone by and maybe you don’t even have it in a high interest account so, it’s not earning anything!

The good news is, once you’re aware of this pattern, you have choices and you can actually do something about it. You can choose to put that settlement money to work by investing in your skills, your business, or maybe even the stock market.

There’s risk in all of these things but there’s also a massive up side - what if it goes right? What if your new skills land you a new job with a massive pay rise? What if your investment in your business pays off and your business dreams are achieved! What if your portfolio does exceptionally well!

What’s the alternative here?

Leaving your nest egg in a bank account earning next to nothing, waiting to find a way to buy a house that you will never be able to afford because the market is moving faster than your purchasing power? You won’t be able to rely on your income because you haven’t spent the money to keep your skills updated. Your business won’t be making the money it needs to because you haven’t invested in the marketing, systems or people you need to deliver your vision.

All because you’re afraid to trust in yourself.

You’re focused on what you could lose rather than what you can gain.

If you continue this way, where will you be in 5 years time? In 10 years time?

Life is not a dress rehearsal. There are no certainties and I hate to break it to you but any sense of control you thought you had is an illusion. There’s no such thing as control, you are just a speck in the universe. Another COVID could come tomorrow. Your partner could announce he or she’s leaving you.

Sometimes you just have to trust in you.

The question is, if you assumed everything would work out, what would your next financial move be?

What would you choose to do if you believed in yourself? What if I had a magic wand and told you that whatever you chose, as long as it came from the heart and you trusted yourself, your success was inevitable and it was impossible for you to fail? What would you do with that stash of cash then?

The only thing stopping you from living your best life is you. When you don’t choose you, you’re telling the universe that you don’t deserve to get what you want. You’re staying frozen in the past, while time moves forwards without you. For what? To play it safe? Remember, there is no such thing as safe. Safety is an illusion. Everything is out of your control, so you may as well keep the door of possibility open!

Trust is the way forward. Trust exists outside of your comfort zone, and coincidently, so is everything you desire like growth, goals, and more success than you can even imagine. When you trust in yourself, people, circumstances and events conspire in your favour.

Trust is not earned, it’s given. So give it to yourself. The whole point of trust is to TRUST.


Legal Note: Information provided by Love Luck Wealth is general in nature and does not take into consideration your personal financial situation. It is for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice nor financial product advice in any way. Remember, the value of any investment can go down as well as up. Before acting, you should consider seeking independent personal financial advice that is tailored to your needs from an appropriately licensed or authorised financial adviser. 

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