Other People’s Money Blocks

Image Source: Sara E Caba

Are other people's money blocks sabotaging your finances? 

It's a totally legit question. 

And one that you should take seriously if you're finding that you're not where you want to be financially. 

As human beings, (especially of the female kind), we're wired to want to fit in.

That wiring runs so deep that it will stop us from taking the action our soul knows we need to take in order to move forwards on the financial front for fear of rocking the boat, shining too bright or offending someone we love.

It might look like undercharging, over delivering, not following through on money making opportunities, or, my personal favourite, playing small.

Yes, people can project their own money blocks onto you. Be prepared and don't fall for it! I teach protection skills in my money programs because they’re essential if you want to align with the frequency of meeting your financial goals. 

For example, maybe they're shocked at your money making ideas, saying 'Ha, that will never work!'. 

Just remember,

they're thinking this way because they don't believe it's possible for them.

It's a projection of their own money story and beliefs onto you.

Be aware! Catch these comments and dispel them before they become your beliefs too.  

While we're on this topic, you might want to assess where you're projecting your limiting beliefs onto your own customers or income sources...

Do you make assumptions about what people can afford to pay you? Do you offer discounts before anyone asks for them? 

You don’t know anything about their finances!

There are many, many different income and wealth levels at play in society at all times, no matter what the economy is doing.

Other people’s finances are also none of your business.

Your only business is to ensure you’re adding value and delivering.

Back yourself, your ideas and your prices. And stay in your own lane. 

Keep in mind that whatever you're focusing on, is what you're attracting. So practice assuming the best!

Repeat after me: 

“My customers (/employers) always see value in me.

They love to pay me.

I make it easy for them to pay me and I receive payment with thanks.

I am appreciated.

Money loves me.

I am always safe and supported.

Things are always working out for me!”

Change your perspective. Change your reality.

Have you experienced someone else’s money blocks? I’d love to hear about it.

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