The End Of The Day

A gentle reminder that money has no mind or ambition of its own.

Yes, money loves to work but it cannot seek out it’s own work.

Action and direction is required on your part.

Don’t despair, 80% of this action and direction doesn’t come from talent or wisdom, it simply comes from your vibration.

Are you a frequency match for your financial desires?

No amount of hard work or economics degrees will fully align you with this frequency. It takes belief and vision first. This is science. Specificially, quantum science.

➡️ Your thoughts and feelings determine your beliefs.

➡️ When you believe it’s possible for you to meet your financial goals, you show up differently.

➡️ You expect synchronicities and connections to line up (and they do).

➡️ You do the things you know you need to do to without resistance or procrastination.

➡️ You allow the reality of that vision to show up in your life by making space for it to appear.

➡️ You keep your energetic frequency high by thinking about what can go right rather than what can go wrong.

Tell me, are you even aware of what your financial desires are?

Have you connected with them?

Have you written them down?

Do you visualise them daily?

At the end of the day, if you’re not looking forwards to visualising your goals, then you’re not excited about them, and you’re certainly not an energetic frequency match to them.

So how the hell do you expect to meet them?!

The solution is to BE the you who has already reached your financial goals now and visit that version of yourself every-single-day-with joy. Daily visualisation changed my life and it can change yours too. Start by downloading my abundance meditation bundle.

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